Saturday, February 24, 2007

懐かしい 場所、物

Mishima 綺麗な水が流れている町 


Taking a run to Mishima

2/24 出る時の東京は風は強いが快晴。きっと綺麗な富士山を撮れると期待してたのに・・。

Monday, February 19, 2007

Sake , Wine , Whisky or Beer ?

I love to drink beer even in white cold winter.
It would be better for me to take sake for being typical japanese.
Aroma peculiar to sake drives me another stage.
That's why I can't enjoy sake.
All I want is just a glass of beer and a platefull of edamame.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Planet of The Apes

This is the ordinary notice we can see in the park or public spaces.
It says "Don't feed wild doves(flying mouse). They will mess up."
Would you switch japanese word from Ha(ハ) to Hi(ヒ) in this board please.
If you can not make out what I mean.Please ask japanese friend.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


What a fantastic night I have.
Tonight I have a tiny party with my friends at Kamata.
I can guess you can point out the place. Yes 300yen bar.
Joe and his wife.Yes his wife is japanese.She spoke quite good english.
I realize again to speak english is the very key or ticket to be universal.
Hey give another beer.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Island Tower

I wander people who live in there never get lost thier way to home?