One sunday morning,I recogzized that I was losing my words.
I could not express how beautiful the sunshine was.
Simply because of my age? Noway!
I took a deep breath and sipped cup of cold milk and thought .
Well ,take a walk to the river.
Head for the sea shore.
I will collect many word of shells there.
Put these word of shells on the pavement along the sea shore carefully.
And I will recollect my losing words.
I feel sometimes I can't find my own words especially when I was rushed or tired, I forget my will and the power to absorb new things ,produce imagination begins to decline.But I can cultivate my field if I step forward inspiring myself.After all, I had better hurry.
special voice invitation
12/2 SUN 12:45~17:00 Ikegami bunnkakaikann.
moshi tsugougayokereba ikegami ekini 12:45 ni kaisatuguchi de
machiawase simasiyou. 2,000.-yen
jixyugixyouno atode bounennkai mo
keikakusitemasu. O.K desitara
anatano blog ni
O.K to resu wo
tuketekudasai. KATS
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